Founder’s Optionality and Why Should You Care?

Arindam Vaidya
2 min readJul 8, 2021

Before I beat about the bush let’s get acquainted with optionality. Well, it can lead to an infinite number of equivalences depending on the pretext. But, if one had to stick strictly in relation to investment and business creation it would be ‘Sum value of all options created by a decision’, as suggested by impression values in their medium blog [Optionality].

Unending to the concept, some may argue it is a vague doctrine to confine in but the allure also makes for a compelling case to have one. So, clamping it with the word “Founder”, it can be deduced to the sound options a founder can have while embarking the road ahead. A more in-depth detailed explanation would be “It’s not just about making that particular decision but about examining how it will create a net positive outcome beyond that decision”, as stated by Mr.Vijay( Founder,Minjar ) on his conversation with Upekkha [Founder Optionality]. The very concept of founder optionality makes great sense when you think there is no undeniable conclusion where you will be in five years down the line, and a greater urge towards a value framework that would help in sustain and perform with additional freedom and flexibility. In the rundown, this would assist in safeguarding themselves, the employees and also the stakeholders.

Founders, in their roles as directors, managers, executives, and even as shareholders/owners have certain responsibilities to act in the company’s best interest, sometimes to the exclusion of their own. These responsibilities are referred to as “fiduciary duties,” and the people who have these duties are “fiduciaries.” So, it is to entrain a perception of responsibility in them and “Why should founders across the world care?”. Let’s take an analogy: Just imagine, if parents stopped giving heed to their kids!! Similarly, founders across the world represent their companies and what they stand for. Without a parent( The Founder ) to look up to, the kid( The Company ) will absolutely submerge themselves into melancholy chant( 9/10 times this is going to be the obvious case, excluding some exceptions ). As per Harvard, a founder’s characteristics can be summed up in a(2x2) matrix

GIFs aside, Dillemas are there to exist in a human’s mind but it is the existential virtue with their teams to grow, nurture, perceive and ace the persistent competition. A more detailed extensive read would be[Founders, care and happiness]. Thus, Confucius said: “ A journey of thousand miles begins with one single step. ”

